Thursday, December 31, 2009


is with the instant gut formation upon arrival to the Bay? It should not take less than a week to magically become 3 months pregnant. There is something in the water here and it is making me fat without requiring me to actually drink any water and I will find out what it is.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My swine flu vaccine gave me swine flu

and I am annoyed by the sound of my own breathing.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

You know it's break when

the greatest intellectual stimulation of the week is realizing that the two movies you just watched consecutively had the same quote from Nietzsche.

Friday, December 25, 2009

About to make this private

so if you would like to keep following, shoot me an email =) I would like to have more control over my readership.

ps. merry christmas

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A History in Cutlery

On my desk are: 3 mugs, 2 bowls, a plate, several empty bottles and an empty ice cream carton, 2 tupperware boxes, and 9 forks/spoons/knives. And a quarter inexplicably wrapped in toilet paper.

Monday, December 21, 2009

The opening titles for Dexter

absolutely blow my mind. They are beautiful--no flashy title effects, no loud rock soundtrack, no flashes of bloody bodies, just pure camerawork and sound editing to tell more of a story than any amount of pizazz can.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Dance and Porn part 3

I need to stop doodling naked dancing legs all over my notes. As beautiful as I may consider disembodied limbs to be, I feel the people studying around me will think less "what a lovely representation of the human form" and more "oh em gee, total perv to my left."

Thursday, December 17, 2009

I cannot explain or fathom why

...this is such a beautiful picture of a walnut.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I have already decided my Halloween costume for next year

I will go as Phineas Gage.

So in a last-ditch effort to stay conscious, I decided to take a short break to try sketching anatomically correct bodies in various different dance poses. I discovered two things from the horror than resulted: a) I really don't know what I'm doing when I dance and b) I really don't know what I'm doing when I draw.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Why are bull terriers

so damn terrifying??

edit: Ok, so this one is kind of cute, but I swear in real life they look like the spawn of Satan, if Satan was a dog and had reproductive capabilities.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Come on, like it's never happened to you before.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Is it weird that

between the moaning and complaining and coffee-making and code-cursing and dire hopelessness of never really being prepared or smart or good enough, there is some part of me that is sheepishly excited at the thought of learning in the next few days everything that I never bothered to learn during the semester?

Friday, December 11, 2009


My first real chance to do something I haven't done in ages: take pictures at an event that I am attending purely to take pictures. Photography at its finest--maximum stalker power, minimum human interaction. I feel like a retired cop in a lame action move/comedy going in for "one last job."

Also, someone's cellphone just rang and their ringtone was Teardrop by Massive Attack, aka the House theme. Awesomeness abounds.

H.C. Gang?

Yay Paul Hewitt for being the only fun part of high school physics. Because of you, I will always check with my neighbor.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

I love you all

Please, please, please don't die of some disease or accident or undetected heart condition. And please don't kill yourselves, because it would kill me too.

Ok, thank you.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Studying in the Rodin upper lobby

Distracting background chatter is only acceptable when done in a British accent.

Monday, December 7, 2009

I miss my camera

So here is a picture from someone else's.

Friday, December 4, 2009

more childhood flashbacks

In a fit of nostalgia, I managed to locate an old online text game I used to play in middle school. I putted around for a while and got bored, and decided to type the command, "kiss farmers." The game responded with, "You must have a very strange social life."

Random childhood flashback

When my brother and I were in middle school, my brother had 3 groups in his AIM buddy list: Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft. Nintendo were the cool people, Sony were the okay people, and Microsoft were the people he didn't like (why he continued online correspondence with them, I will never know). For the longest time I had just assumed I was a Nintendo, but then one day I found my screen name on the Sony list. And in some small way, it broke my heart.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

A miracle has occurred

I don't know if it's because I misread the assignment (a highly likely possibility) or because the hand of some cosmic force of benevolence assisted me, but the unthinkable has occurred--after gearing up for a full night and day of coding with dinner, snacks, drinks (all of which were inhaled in a gruesomely short period of time) and a deep feeling of regret for not starting sooner, I manage to finish in... 3 hours?? With multiple daydreaming/facebook/weak-but-well-intentioned-jive-kick breaks?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I drew my first penis

For four years I have avoided it--the awkward process of staring at, analyzing, and finally rendering in some form or another what appears to be a hack-up, last minute appendage tacked on to an otherwise beautiful human form. I chose angles that hid the beast from view, or tastefully applied a skirt or other piece of clothing to cover it. Even Doug's silent, accusatory glances and Scott's outright criticisms could not prevent my chronic castration of male figures. But today, when our model sat with legs splayed in my direction, his glory facing me head on as if daring me to ignore it, I knew that I finally had to fill in the empty crotch space that has characterized my artwork thus far. And even though it is insultingly diminutive, hastily drawn, an inorganic shade of orange, and resembles a trebuchet or duck more than a propagator of offspring, I did it. I finally drew a penis.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I have decided to start going to the gym

after realizing that the act of shoving laundry in the machine elevates my heart rate to a level that qualifies as cardiovascular activity.

Dear CIS262 homework

you are doing a lousy job of spontaneously completing yourself.

Last minute interview prep

and much needed website update! (Took out shitty work, put in slightly less shitty work, updated resume)