Sunday, May 2, 2010

I just realized

that this blog has been a self-indulgent pit of whininess and manufactured sentiment since March 26th. How repulsive. Here is a picture to mollify the frustrated masses:

I am sure I have posted this before, but the impossible touristy-ness of the photo and the image of male-pattern-baldness-baby saying "Okay, now get one of me in front of the crowd" gets me every time.

THIS JUST IN: In an effort to remain as pretentious and procrastinatory as possible, I have moved to Wordpress. This blog, and all of its posts, are now at
From an article on (God help me) "Savor your longing. Note the clever way it has of reminding you that you are very much alive."

Old songs

It's funny how there are so many songs that I never used to like until I hear them again, years later, and I am just nostalgic enough to be won over.

I just YouTubed and watched every version of "Can't Take My Eyes Off You" that I could find. Including a High School Musical song with the same name that appears unrelated. The version that I first heard and that made me fall in love with it was an a cappella rendition by Penn Atma, who I normally don't like but who nail this song so beautifully. To date, I haven't found one that I like quite so much.