If you made a turtle and you gave it no shell and no legs and one eye, would you make it live its life with other, normal turtles, or would you make it live alone so it never knows it's inferior?
I'm listening to romantic songs
(Two most romantic songs on my playlist: "Don't Wanna Miss a Thing" by Aerosmith and "J'ai Tout Oublie" by Marc Lavoine & Cristina Morocco)
and I'm trying to pretend I know what they're about and it's kind of nice. It's also kind of weird because I suddenly feel very moved by the ray tracer I'm trying to build for CS.
This is my second add-on to this post.
(Psst... It's no longer 11/12 but I'm too cool to post two days in a row) I've decided I should never listen to music while I study because a) it makes my homework seem way too dramatic and b) part a is irrelevant because I end not doing my homework anyway. I've also decided that Thomas Newman is the most brilliant, brilliant composer there ever was, and that film music the best kind of music, period.
4 best Thomas Newman soundtracks:
1. Road to Perdition. JUST BEAUTIFUL. The main theme is classic Newman, evocative and full of strings, then come the tracks that betray his recent (well, semi-recent) foray into experimental sounds and exotic instrumentation. Amazing.
2. American Beauty. One of the all time greatest soundtracks ever. Which is a broad generalization to make, considering I don't really know much about music. But whatever, it's great.
3. Finding Nemo. The main theme is a Waltz. Also, it's so beautiful it makes you want to cry.
4. Um. I don't really have one. I actually only know the above three. I'm kind of a shitty fan.
Also, I just silently burped and I'm proud because no one noticed.