Friday, November 7, 2008

And now a picture taken completely out of context

(For the pathologically curious, this is the image found on the Penn Relays trophy, and depicts happier times when relays were best run in the nude and supervised by Ben Franklin. Also, I have the maturity of a 5-year-old.)

I am a sucker for attention.

I was studying in the bookstore today when a man wandered in and started talking loudly to himself. This went on for a while, until he decided to shake things up and talk loudly to the strangers around him instead. It was, to say the least, very irritating, and everyone in the vicinity eventually left. I, too, decided to pack my stuff and leave, but not before he noticed that I was still around and lumbered over to chat. I braced myself and prepared to ignore him, but as soon as he started talking to me, I was won over. I decided I liked him, and engaged in light conversation for the few seconds before a security guard came and gently escorted him away.