Wednesday, March 4, 2009

It is technically not Tuesday anymore

so I am technically not a loser for posting twice.

So I finally finished the horror that is my self portrait for Digital Figure Modeling. Making it was harrowing--the last thing I wanted was everyone in the art lab (mostly architecture students at the time of night I usually work) seeing a bald, grey, unmade-up version of myself all zoomed in and gross, and me fiddling around with my ears or something. But, in the end, I think I enjoyed it. Aside from the funky, dead-looking cartoon eyes that come from my not knowing how to use a ramp shader, the thing actually looks like me. It is a heavily airbrushed (Scott disapproved), frowning, oily, strung out monstrosity of a head, but its me all right. When we had our crit today, I was half possessed with intense discomfort--somehow I had the illusion that my smallness obscures my features, and people would gasp at the truth revealed by blowing my face up x20 on the big screen--but I was also just a tad proud. Brutal as the reality may be, there is something fulfilling about successfully recreating it and presenting it in all its unfettered, ugly glory.

Also, the texture I made for it will haunt my dreams for years to come.