Thursday, April 9, 2009

New Years Resolutions

So I was poking through some old stuff that I never posted and found a list of New Years Resolutions. I thought I should put it up, only because of how spectacularly I have failed to comply with even a single one.

This year I will publicly declare my resolutions, which I hope will result in greater pressure to actually carry them out. I have always made resolutions, but that was mostly out of social obligation than an actual intention to comply. But I have spent time developing the following 10 goals, and I will spend time trying to reach them. So here goes (in no particular order):

1. Eat healthy. If I were to meet an untimely end, I want my organs to be in full working order for whoever inherits them.

2. Manage time. This time I actually WILL try to do this. I will make a schedule for every day that I will follow to the letter. Once the habit has been established, it will be no big deal to perpetuate it. (Its okay, I laughed too.)

3. Manage spending. I took a look at my previously filled-to-the-brim bank account and realized that it is nearly empty. A very, very scary realization. I need to spend less on food.

4. Manage my appearance. I don't mean my face, because there really is nothing I can do about that. Or the rest of me, because I'm not fat and don't have time to "sculpt" at the gym. What I can do is look clean and well-put-together. I need to be less lazy about my hair, find clothes that will hide my flaws, and fix my posture. All this will not make up for plain old genetics, but at least I can look respectable.

5. Stop living in my head. Most of my life is spent in my head. I have entire conversations with imaginary mind-people. I don't want the bulk of my life to be stored somewhere that will die when I die. I should keep a journal or talk more, or just think less. Most of what is swimming around up there is useless and takes up valuable, scarce brainpower.

6. Listen better. I need to listen better and respond appropriately. When people talk to me, I need to give them my full attention and figure out what they mean and how they feel.

Also, I promised 10 but stopped at 6. Not a good sign already.