Saturday, January 30, 2010

An Ode to Lint

Hello there, Lint. I only recently realized what a big role you play in the saga that is my life. I always noticed you, but I wrote you off, never stopping to digest the fact that through thick and thin, from one coast to the other, in childhood and through adolescence into semi-adulthood, you have always been with me. Staking out in my bellybutton, migrating from my socks to the spaces between my toes, finding a permanent home in my sweaters and coats and blankets and pretty much any old fuzzy thing, you have coupled your existence with mine. I have even taken special note of certain members of your kind, like the Lint that resides under Timmy's "balls" that I pick at when pensive or the big blobs of Lint inside my boots. I am not sure whether to thank you for your loyalty or chastise you for being so damn annoying and persistent, but I am sure that wherever I may aimlessly wander to next, you will remain bravely by my side.