Sunday, February 28, 2010

Stunning self-realization of the day

I get cranky when I'm hungry. I just grow more and more sophisticated by the minute.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Happy coincidence

My purchase of a bag of frozen tater tots just happened to initiate a two-weeks-and-running streak of random tater tot cravings!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

My day

-Wake up at 8:30 and make it to class only 5 minutes late. Me: 1 Laziness: 0
-Sleep through entire 3 hour art class. Chastise myself. Self appears unfazed. Me: 1 Laziness: 4
-Do not sleep through German, but also do not actively participate in class. Me: 1 Laziness: 4
-Come home, put away laundry, put Drano in sink, and make bed. Me: 4 Laziness: 4
-Start to clean room, but give up within a few minutes. Me: 4 Laziness: 5

Conclusion: Laziness wins, but Me = Laziness, so I win anyway.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Such talent

In other news, I have decided that computer science and I have a strained and barely civil relationship that arises mostly from my refusal to get to know the guy a little better. If only we could all just get along, then perhaps I will not have settled quite so comfortably into my role as the dumbest person to have ever taken 660, ever.

Sunday, February 21, 2010



Edit: eek of panic, not of joy.

My grapes

I ate all of my grapes. As worried as I was that I would not finish them, I ate them all and now I am sad because they were the best bunch of grapes I ever bought. =(

Thursday, February 18, 2010

To do

1. Get out of this bed.
2. Take proper pictures of figure drawing stuff.
3. Take proper videos of coding stuff.
4. Render out wireframes! People want to see a progression.
5. Do this by Monday.
6. Refuse to depress self by seeing other, better work before then.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Here are some pickles for you:

Friday, February 12, 2010

Lost in Translation

So the German soap I've been watching tends to use a lot of English music, some of which is rather inappropriate. I guess this is okay, because it's unlikely most German viewers would understand the lyrics anyway. I would, however, draw the line with a song that contained the haunting lyrics, "You go and you come... between my thighs" played during a sequence which featured some guy eating strawberries and doing paperwork.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Saturday, February 6, 2010

There must be something wrong with Philip Glass

because there is no way that a normal person, given the mental and physical abilities that a normal person is typically allotted, can produce something like that.

EDIT: i.e. He is amazing.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The fingernails of my left hand

ARE PERFECT. This event must be commemorated.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I would not mind

Making this a dietary staple for the rest of my life.