Wednesday, March 24, 2010

After a brief self-inspection

in the art building bathroom, I realized... I had something stuck in my teeth all of samba rehearsal! Eww! Apologies to all who had to witness this. Also, I really need to whiten my teeth. They're not brown, just splotchy. Quite splotchy. And, I have concluded that although my new eyebrows are better than before, they do like to fluff about at every provocation.

I have a sudden inclination to remember what it was like to be a child. I wish I could remember the unwarranted but deeply seeded belief that I could make my own decisions, the hurt refusal to accept things I didn't understand, the desperate desire to live the glamorous lives of others. I wish I could not only remember that, but respect it, because as your life gets richer and more complicated and you see the darker side of growing up, it's easy to dismiss those naive longings. You forget that the same things you see and feel every day seem--to some--so exciting and wild and beautiful.