Saturday, April 3, 2010

Pardon my French, but

I am a fuckup. This semester has been abysmal with my complete lack of work ethic, flagrant disregard and disrespect for my classes, inability to complete coursework, and horrible attendance. It is definitely my worst semester so far, and honestly I have no idea what to expect. It has also been the lightest in terms of work, with only 4 classes and my senior project. My animation instructor, after a concerned/angry email about my lack of attendance, extended to me a ray of hope as long as I perform a complete turnaround and clean up my act. I am going to take that ray and apply it to all of my responsibilities. I know I can be a good student if I tried just a little, so really it's shameful that I haven't so far. Well, here's to a deservedly tough--but productive--remaining 3 weeks!