Thursday, April 1, 2010

Why I can never keep up with computer scientists

An email that I got today from the CS department, apparently as some sort of joke:

A rogue Turing machine just proved that P = NP after computing for decades
in a West Philadelphia basement. When interviewed by CNN, the aging Turing machine
said that the proof techniques involved many different things, including a
denormalized version of normalized graph cuts of Jianbo, by tweaking the
viscoelastic coefficient of Kostas swimsuit and by using the dissatisfaction primal-dual,
thermal version of Horn clauses, adapting an old result of mine.

The Turing machine is planning to be the host of a new reality show co-hosted with Sarah Palin and
Tiger Woods.

More details on this major event will be forthcoming.

-- Jean

I do not understand these people, and I do not want to see Kostas in a swimsuit.