I have way too much fun with this damn blog. I love writing in it, even though everything I have written so far has been completely useless. I like the fact that I know exactly who's reading it (I believe there's four of you) and I'm kind of talking to them. Anyway, I should probably stop all the giddy self-referencing; it'll take me out of the "zone." So back into the zone we go.
According to my brother my website is pretentious. How is it pretentious? It's very simple, with a pleasant and drab color scheme. The content is plain and straightforward. It serves its purpose. It's not pretending to be anything besides a reflection of my drab personality and body of work. Nothing about me is pretentious. I lack pretention. My brother is pretentious. He has no taste. Hmph.
I don't like it when people disagree with me about me.