I watched Ordinary People today, and it just has to be one of the best dramas I have ever seen. It is appropriately dramatic and emotional without ever falling into the sappiness that plagues most Oscar-bait movies (and, it is made in the 80s, which makes this even more impressive, seeing as most films of that era seemed to really pile on the cheese). The story is thoughtful, the writing sharp, and the acting excellent. What really struck was how naturally everything was played out. People talked like they would in real life, nothing was overwrought or excessively "poignant," and even the inconsequential characters seemed like real people rather than cardboard cuttouts. I think the only music used in the whole film was Pachelbel's Canon, which I approve of. Obsessed as I am with really beautiful film music, sometimes the subtlety of silence can be more powerful than mournful violin strings. I generally dont dig drama, but this was well done.