Sunday, May 31, 2009

Visual Stimulation

I realized that it has been some time since I put up a picture. Sadly, I was forced to delete all my pictures to free up hard drive space so all I have for you is a relatively uninteresting picture of some shrubbery.

Are you visually stimulated yet?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I need to stop watching TV/movies right before going to sleep. My dreams are getting way too interesting.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


After announcing to my mom my plans to marry an older man: "Whatever makes you move, baby."

My mother is a dist
urbing and fascinating woman.


Saturday, May 23, 2009

Ninth day of isolation

The walls are beginning to tell me their secrets. I am going up to SF to check out housing tomorrow. I will say no more lest I jinx myself, but let it be known that it may just be a sweeeet deal.

Trying to sew myself a syllabus costume. Sad to think that after spending $15 on materials and hours on labor, it is still going to look like a bedsheet and fall apart after one use. Need to redo the skirt--always forget that things need to get past the blimps I call legs before they can make it to my waist. My mum stumbled upon it and has since eyed it suspiciously every time I announce plans to go out.

It has been many days since I have made a lewd or inappropriate comment. I always feel a little less virile during the summers.

Have you ever tried to make shapes with ceiling patterns, like you would with clouds? It is pretty much the same, except that they dont move and you can stay in bed.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Tap tap

Been in complete isolation for nearly a week. Blog is the only one-way window to the outside world. Like crossing off days on the trunk of a tree on a deserted island.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

My neck hurts

Mostly because I have been conducting most of my day to day business propped up on my bed for the last 3 days.

I have come to realize that I, unlike most living creatures, do not possess a fight-or-flight response. I dont panic, I dont stress, and I rationalize my way out of tight corners until the tales I am spinning fail to convince even me. As a result, I am irresponsible. I am of the "Problems will go away after a good nap" school of thought, and it has taken me to terrifying heights of delinquency. I must stop this before it is too late.

It is already too late.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Achievements since I have been home

--Got a new phone
--Converted my previously immaculate room into the aftermath of a tornado, overnight
--Became addicted to the original Star Trek
--Refrained from seeing (nonexistant) friends or even exiting my room, which has acquired a stale scent and a light aura of despair

Sounds pretty good. It is now time to vegetate on my bed and eventually fall asleep, one hand resting on my laptop keyboard, the other clutching a miscellaneous food/drink item.

Like this, but less adorable.

On a side note, in my attempt to look for images with which to supplement this post, I discovered that vegetating is also something fingers and toes do when they grow fungus and want to scare you.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I guess that is that

Today my mom strutted about to show off her newly lost weight, then proceeded to tell me I smell like curry. I think she is getting cocky.

Is it stupid to be sad because I dont feel sad--at all? Or to suspect that to most of the few people I actually got a chance to meet before I left, the 2 minutes spent saying goodbye to me were a meaningless, obligatory footnote in an otherwise somber and significant day? I guess at the end of the year, when time is scarce and friends are prioritized, is when I realize that the people who actually have time for me are fewer and farther between than I would like to have thought.

Monday, May 11, 2009

What kind of idiot

keeps going and going when all signs say Dead End Ahead.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Dear person I dont know who is studying at my table

I apologize for slurping my milkshake, but it is delicious so I will have to continue. I would offer you some if I were more creepy.

Friday, May 8, 2009

La la la

Today I vegetated on top of the packing boxes that are now obscuring our living floor, watching the sun rise and contemplating how it was the second to last time I would ever be able to vegetate on my roommates boxes, until I was finally serenaded by a symphony of alarms telling me it was time to go to bed. And now I am going to bed. I am going to wake up obscenely late and bleary-eyed, and silently panic while puttering about uselessly for a few hours before going out at night and bragging about the all-nighter that I will intend to pull but will replace with the better alternative of passing out on the boxes again.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Hee hee

I forgive my hair simulation for failing to work because it is adorable and looks like Jello.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Why cant they make these for humans too.

Please mock me

So I recently realized that the most effective way for me to learn something, and to really remember it, is to be mocked for doing it wrong. So, if I am doing something wrong and it would truly be to my benefit to change, please mock me.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

This packet of M&Ms

contains a disconcertingly high volume of blue.

In other news--100th post! Yay! Everybody gets cake.

And because I am twisted like that, it will be this demonic baby cake.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Email from my dad

"AllState called to say crack is not covered by insurance."

I will pretend that this statement is not a result of being Indian and possessing shaky English, but rather a result of my family being much more dangerous/awesome than I previously suspected.

Just realized that my depression-inducing complete lack of email these last few days was a result of SEAS blocking my password and thus preventing messages from being forwarded to my Gmail. Good news for my fragile self-esteem and desperate need for love and attention, bad news for trying not to piss people off with unresponsiveness. Also, my mom, fed up with my lack of input on the proper date to return to school in the fall, went ahead and booked a date which may or may not be completely disastrous. Oops.

Also, I decided to invent a new punctuation. | | is what you will use when you want to insert a parenthetical statement within a parenthetical statement. (Because I am always wanting to do that. |Is this not cool.|)

Edit-- Realized I misused the word "therefore" in the second paragraph and changed it to "thus." Slightly ashamed.