Saturday, May 23, 2009

Ninth day of isolation

The walls are beginning to tell me their secrets. I am going up to SF to check out housing tomorrow. I will say no more lest I jinx myself, but let it be known that it may just be a sweeeet deal.

Trying to sew myself a syllabus costume. Sad to think that after spending $15 on materials and hours on labor, it is still going to look like a bedsheet and fall apart after one use. Need to redo the skirt--always forget that things need to get past the blimps I call legs before they can make it to my waist. My mum stumbled upon it and has since eyed it suspiciously every time I announce plans to go out.

It has been many days since I have made a lewd or inappropriate comment. I always feel a little less virile during the summers.

Have you ever tried to make shapes with ceiling patterns, like you would with clouds? It is pretty much the same, except that they dont move and you can stay in bed.