Saturday, May 2, 2009

Email from my dad

"AllState called to say crack is not covered by insurance."

I will pretend that this statement is not a result of being Indian and possessing shaky English, but rather a result of my family being much more dangerous/awesome than I previously suspected.

Just realized that my depression-inducing complete lack of email these last few days was a result of SEAS blocking my password and thus preventing messages from being forwarded to my Gmail. Good news for my fragile self-esteem and desperate need for love and attention, bad news for trying not to piss people off with unresponsiveness. Also, my mom, fed up with my lack of input on the proper date to return to school in the fall, went ahead and booked a date which may or may not be completely disastrous. Oops.

Also, I decided to invent a new punctuation. | | is what you will use when you want to insert a parenthetical statement within a parenthetical statement. (Because I am always wanting to do that. |Is this not cool.|)

Edit-- Realized I misused the word "therefore" in the second paragraph and changed it to "thus." Slightly ashamed.