Monday, July 27, 2009

Cool stuff

So, because I find this fascinating and think everyone else should to, here's more fun morphing stuff.

These are the nine images that I used. I tried to pick pictures that were all facing roughly the same direction and with similar facial expressions. Also, I wanted pictures that looked like the person they were supposed to represent, and, most importantly, had limited or no makeup. I found that makeup had a BIG effect and compromised the accuracy of the composites.
And here are some other fun combinations:

ROOM 1307 (Irene and Michelle both included)

ROOM 1308


(Is it just me or is Miss Non-ballroom very, very attractive? Psh.)
An interesting thing I noted was that some people, for whatever reason, seem to have a MUCH stronger effect on the morphs than others. I will leave it up to you to guess who!