Friday, November 7, 2008

Am I boring?


Four random horrifying childhood memories:

Getting pecked to death by chickens. Multiple times.

Um... Okay. So, not that horrifying in retrospect. But I cannot describe the initial terror my brother and I felt when we realized the chickens would actually attack.

Watership Down.

Without a doubt, one of the most brutal, violent, sadistic "children's" movies ever made. It made me scared of movies containing rabbits. I cried once when our kindergarten class started watching a BBC version of "Peter Rabbit" because I was convinced that at any moment, blood would come pouring out of Peter's every orifice.

Petting zoo in preschool.

Rabbits have not been good to me.

We had a petting zoo bring bunnies and tarantulas to our preschool. I liked the tarantulas. They were cute and stupid. I was terrified of the bunnies.

Some genius decided it was a good idea to let the bunnies run around unattended in a room full of 5-year-olds. What they failed to take into account was that rabbits have an annoying tendency to die horribly when under extreme stress (like, say, the stress that comes from a little kid trying to pull your ears off). I successfully caught a bunny, watched its little heart beat visibly and its little nose twitch, and decided it was so cute--until it decided to die. In my lap. While my parents watched.

I cried and dropped it, and it was reanimated, but the image of its temporarily lifeless form was forever burned into my mind.

Getting lost on a beach.

This one may not really count, because my memory of it was very fuzzy. I don't know which beach, how old I was, who was there, or--if I'm going to completely honest--if I was even really lost. All I can remember is suddenly feeling terrified and not being able to find my parents, and sitting in a puddle of wet sand and crying. However, I recently found a photograph of me at a beach, sitting in a puddle of wet sand and crying, while my mother laughs in the distance. So either I was an incredibly stupid kid with incredibly mean parents, or I was not actually lost.