Monday, February 9, 2009

La la la

I keep trying to decide between only letting me read my blog, and keeping it open to the public (which currently consists of a whopping 4). There is no reason to make it private, but I am always tempted to slap on some limited access so I can seem mysterious.

I think I am becoming less and less patient with people. I have accumulated a lot of evidence for this, but I think the competition was the ultimate test because I was running (well, sitting on my ass) on no sleep. And I failed. Miserably. I remember one of the older team members trying to chat with me and all I did was nod mindlessly with my mouth hanging open like a zombie, the whole time hoping he would go away. I had a love-hate relationship with the damn registration table because I kept wanting to leave, but whenever I left I kept wanting to come back and tried to cleverly eject whoever had taken my place. I was avoidant and reclusive the whole time, and I finally snapped and Sherry and Senthil because they were trying to help me carry some box which I suddenly became violently possessive of. Senthil sadly proclaimed that chivalry is dead, and I think he is wary of me now. Bah. There were so many people who had much more of a right to be on edge than me, and they managed to stay perfectly decent.

I also enjoy getting smart with some of my roommates at times, which is automatic but which I instantly regret. And I am beginning to attack outside of my inner circle as well. =( It kills me because I like to run around bragging about how “chill” I am when really I have a mean streak the size of a small country. What could I possibly have to offer besides being mild and accommodating, and I cant even do that. I guess lesson learned is to keep up the fight against my smartass/bitchy tendencies even in times of prolonged activity.

Also, I slept for 16 hours today. 16. And I really want to go back to bed. It is all or nothing with this sleep thing.