Friday, January 1, 2010

Obligatory New Year's post

I don't know what made 2009 any different from 2008 or 2007, or what will make it any different from 2010. It's not that change has not occurred--it's just that it's hard to quantify the minor ups and downs of a generally unremarkable life into neat little units of time. In my mind it all just runs together, sometimes jumbled and never important.

I always like the think that the best and worst is still to come, but it's my biggest fear that this is not true. Maybe this is it. Maybe I'm doomed to forever reside in the gray, pleasant, bland space between happiness and misery. Maybe it's a sign that I spend every new year's eve in the claustrophobic limbo that is San Jose. Maybe tonight has merely marked the end of nothing and the perpetuation of nothing.

So, resolution: drama! suspense! an inflated sense of self-importance! Life should be more than just something that happens between periods of eating.