Friday, April 23, 2010

I break my hiatus to bring you

A sex column written by a guy. Don't ask how I found it; I get very creative with my time-wasting.

It's interesting, not because of the content (nothing too enlightening and frankly, pretty bland), but because of the way in which it's written. The columnist is clearly a good writer--he has good phrasing, the sentences flow nicely, and his word choice is varied and intelligent. But, he is also clearly a lazy bum. In fact, the articles read a lot like mine: the basics of competent writing are there, but with zero effort or care. They feel rushed, like he pulled each one out of his ass 10 minutes before the deadline. And in a way, that dedication to minimal effort makes me relate to him. I wouldn't necessarily care to know the guy in real life, but I feel somewhat happy knowing that there is someone else out there hiding their aversion to hard work under a cloak of impeccable grammar and a passable grasp of the English language.

Anyway, back to my real mothertongue: C++, baby.